Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Jesus Loves Gay People

I want you to watch the video below. It is a tribute made for Lawrence King, a 15 year old boy who was killed by a classmate for being gay. Please watch this video, it only goes for a minute or so.

If you're unsure of what happened to Lawrence King, he was 15 years old, and gave a Valentines Day card to a boy at his school that he liked. This young boy responded to the card, by beating Lawrence to death.

It is NOT okay to hate gay people. It is NOT okay to allow your children to believe that it's okay to treat gay people with anything but love. It is NOT okay for you to infect your children with your dislike of homosexuals or their lifestyles. Why?! Because they don't have the capacity to differentiate dislike for a lifestyle and dislike for a person. They do not have the capacity to differentiate that when you say you hate gay people, or that gay people deserve to go to hell or whatever other things you are telling your children, it doesn't mean that they should take matters into their own hands.

And if you believe that what happened to this kid was okay...or that your hateful words do not in some way contribute to such hate crimes - let me give you a harsh reality. JESUS LOVES GAY PEOPLE. Let me say that again... Jesus LOVES gay people. And if Jesus loves them...we are also called to love them. If we do not, we are sinning. If we infect this world and our young people with our small minded opinions of what is right and wrong, we risk more and more things like this happening.

Christians NEED to stand up against injustice. Jesus grieves the death of Lawrence King. Jesus grieves that a young boy could be filled with such fear over getting a Valentine from someone of the same sex, that they murder the giver. Guess what people?! As Christians, it is our DUTY to bring love into this world, to be Christ's hands and feet in a damaged and broken world.

Whether you believe gay people are right/wrong/saint/sinner does not change the FACT that JESUS LOVES THEM...

I'm sick of seeing celebrities giving messages that CHRISTIANS should be giving. It's time to stand up people. To love unconditionally. To bring grace and peace into a dark and broken world. To see people as they could be, as Jesus sees them, and then love them unconditionally AS THEY ARE - without judgment or condemnation. If you can't do that, you need to sit down and read your New Testament - and all the teachings of JESUS.

My heart and prayers go out to the families involved in this tragedy, and I pray that you will use it as a wake up call to ACT to bring love and peace in YOUR community.


Motoki said...

you are so right. blessed you are.

Anonymous said...

God bless you for your words. As a gay man who does believe in god, I know in my heart that jesus made me this way.

Gay people respect all people and are very tolerant towards others, all we wish is the same treatment. What would jesus do???? He wouldn't gay bash, he wouldn't murder. He definately would not call someone names...
So why do so many christians behave a way that jesus wouldnt?

Sarah Eldridge said...

Donald - I simply do not know, and it grieves me to think that Christians do - I know they do, because I've heard many of them with my own ears.

All I can say to you is this - Jesus does love you. And therefore, a Christ follower should also love you.

God bless you heaps Donald!

You're in my prayers.