Thursday, April 10, 2008

Easter was a happy time!

So I've been doing some thinking about Easter. Most of you know I went away to the Western Victoria Easter Camp. It was honestly, one of the best Easter Camps I've ever been on - and for all you old Melbourne Central crew - it was reminicent of the earlier days at Easter Camp - you know good friends, great fun, awesome speakers, good worship, yummy food and just all-round the best experience you can have!?! It was just like that.

Captains Danielle Strickland & Steven Court were our guest speakers. They took us through some amazing activities that really opened our eyes to a whole other Easter Journey, particularly on Good Friday. Good Friday is traditionally a time where we focus on the pain and suffering Jesus went through in order to save us of our sins. I've always felt like I'm supposed to feel REALLY bad about what a horrible person I am on Good Friday. The problem is, two years ago, that changed for me. Good Friday was the day I went back to church after 5 months away. It was the day I recommitted my life to God. And it was the time I received a lot of healing for stuff that had really damaged me. So I've always wanted to celebrate Good Friday, not feel bad about it!!

So on Good Friday, we carried a cross up a big hill (literally!!) and up on that hill, Steve & Danielle encouraged us to nail the things we hold onto right there on that cross, and walk down the hill leaving it behind. They talked about the point of the cross not being the death and darkness and pain and suffering but the immense love felt for us by our Creator God and our loving Saviour. The point of the cross was not for us to feel bad, but for us to feel thankful that we are LOVED beyond measure. What a gift!! What a thing to celebrate!!! So we celebrated, we had lots of fun, we went on a farm tour (all 30 of us piled into a huge cage, lots of fun!), we laughed, we ate good food (beef - on Good Friday - controversial!!) and we remembered that we were loved, and that Easter is a celebration. Not only that Jesus brought us into a personal relationship with Him, but also because He conquered death!

Easter is a happy time - we should remember that. We shouldn't feel down about ourselves or focus on the suffering - the suffering was a way to show JUST HOW MUCH YOU ARE LOVED...and that you are UN4SAKEN!

Well - I'm off to the Youth Workers Conference & Forge now! Clearly going to have a lot to write next week!

Blessings to all!

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