I think that the Church needs all types of Spirituality. I really believe that. So whilst this Emergent/Postmodern attitude states that "You feel alienated from older forms of church, you don't think they connect to modern culture very well", I don't entirely agree with that. I do feel alienated from many forms of Church, but that's not necessarily just the older forms. Actually, if I had my choice of going to a High Anglican church or a Pentecostal Charismatic church, I would choose the High Anglican church any day of the week, and twice on Sundays. I think in our desire to be "more modern, more trendy", we've actually lost a lot of the sacred traditions which ground us.
I actually think that a lot of the more modern churches have "missed the mark" in relation to what the modern culture needs or wants. Take my tradition for example - The Salvation Army has lost many of the traditions which have made us who we are today. Over the Red Shield weekend, I was given the opportunity to chat with many older people for whom The Salvation Army was incredibly significant. One couple recounted the days when they would follow The Salvation Army's band and timbrels through the streets of Richmond, back to the church, and end with a "pie floater" together in community. They told me they miss hearing the band, and questioned whether the timbrels still exist. I told them that they do, not in a lot of corps, but in a few around the traps. Their comment "That's a shame, it's the most distinctive thing about the Army, it's what we loved about them". But people tell me all the time, "oh but it's not relevant anymore!"... isn't it? Really? Why then is the first question any of my not-yet-christian friends ask me "Wow, the Salvos, do you wear a uniform? Do you play in the band? Do you play the tamborine?" when I tell them that yes I wear uniform, my dad plays in the band and I do play the Timbrel - they don't tease me - THEY LOVE IT! They ask more questions, they want to know more. Still in this day and age, people connect with us on that level. So why do we run from it? Why don't we do Open Air meetings anymore? Because some other tradition told us it was no longer relevant?
I guess what makes me "emergent/postmodern" is that I truly believe that being in relationship with people - from all walks of life - from all faith traditions is not something to shy away from, but something to embrace and use to enrich our own faith experience. It is through our relationships and our dialogue with people that we can truly connect with Christ in the now, in the today, in the moment.
Perhaps the most "Emergent" idea I have - is that if The Salvation Army is to truly walk in it's calling and anointing from God... it needs to go back and look at what we did really well pre-1980's, and try and regain some of that, yes in a modern setting, but to get back and do it!! It's time! I'm over trying to be like the other churches, we're not a church, we're a movement... so let's move!
So what's your flavour? What is your theological perspective? But more importantly - how can you use that to enrich The Salvation Army or your local church?
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What's your theological worldview? created with QuizFarm.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Emergent/Postmodern You are Emergent/Postmodern in your theology. You feel alienated from older forms of church, you don't think they connect to modern culture very well. No one knows the whole truth about God, and we have much to learn from each other, and so learning takes place in dialogue. Evangelism should take place in relationships rather than through crusades and altar-calls. People are interested in spirituality and want to ask questions, so the church should help them to do this.
I don't normally try the quizzes, but did this one. I ended up "Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan" which may show up my Salvo heritage?!
We still have timbrels - they continue to surprise by not only playing to marches/classics but also contempory music (worship/theatre/pop) which will have any impact.
Buff :-)
Hi Sarah I had never seen or heard of this test before it is quite interesting. Just for the record I am - Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan.
Thanks for another great post, you always manage to get me thinking... which by the way is a good thing.
BUFF!!! Hello my old friend! How are things?!
Yes Evangelical Holiness/Weslyan does indeed show your Salvo heritage! :)
I love that Jeffrey Clarke continues to show what Timbrels can be made of... we need more people like him!!
I've actually just been chatting with a couple of friends about forming a little timbrel brigade of our own - to show people how good timbrels actually can be!
Hope you're well!
Hi Sarah,
All the family are well. Had you heard about my mother-in-law (from your time at Brunswick) - she has dementia. Not good.
Jeffrey only has group of 4 now for timbrels (one just moved to Sydney) but he has a group of learners (varies between 4-8 at rehearsals). They still churn out quality stuff.
Buff :-)
Hey Buff,
Probably hard to chat over blog - I've lost your email addy - can you email me? sarah_eldridge79@yahoo.co.uk
Look forward to chatting more! :)
Hey, i take it your not a big fan of the pentecostal stuff, but i think every church has its place, it is far beyond us to every judge on neother church, i am a passionate salvationist, but im not out 2 grow the salvation army rather im out 2 grow the kingdom of God, i am big into the pentecostal scene, i am big into the supernatural stuff, my heart is for healing, for souls saved. be open aye 2 the spirit. Keep fighting for Christ though
Ah Jake, that's where you're wrong. I actually am a big fan of genuine pentecostalism... I mean The Salvation Army were a pentecostal movement. Once upon a time anyway... And I too have seen many supernatural- God inspired moments. What I'm against is the packaged "pentecostalism" we are fed today...genuine is great... it's not something you should "fake it till you make it" over though.
And my point of this blog - is we need ALL types of churches...so we need to stop trying to be like other churches and be who we are called to be. They can be who they are called to be. When that happens...then we'll see unity within the church I believe.
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